ALO Setup: Clever Integration


Clever is a digital platform that connects information across different software systems and databases that is free for schools and districts to use. More information on the services that Clever provides is available on the Clever website

Sites using Acadience Learning Online (ALO) have the option to set up Single Sign-On (SSO) and roster integration through Clever.  If your school or district already uses Clever, contact us at for more information on how to set up a Clever integration for your ALO account. 


Setting up Clever for ALO

Complete the steps below to set up Clever integration for ALO.

  1. Contact us at to let us know that you would like to set up Clever integration.
  2. Accept the email invitation to connect your Clever account to ALO. 
  3. Log into Clever and set up Sharing Rules. When setting up Sharing Rules, remember to limit your sharing to:
    • Schools where Acadience testing occurs
    • Grades in which Acadience testing occurs
    • Sections (classes) that are relevant to Acadience testing (i.e. only share one class per student or per Acadience assessment)
  4. After you save your Sharing Rules, someone from Acadience will review the settings and contact you if adjustments are needed.
  5. When the settings are configured correctly, ALI will perform a test sync for you, or let you know when your account is ready for a test sync.
  6. After the test sync is performed (and issues, if they come up, are resolved) an initial sync will be completed.
  7. Syncs will occur nightly unless the "pause" option is selected.